Chris Mathis, Vice President

Contact Chris

“I am a big believer in technology helping to improve the human condition.” - Chris Mathis, P. Engn. – Innovation Expert & VP of Viable Solutions 

Chris Mathis is the lead of Viable Solutions and has over 30 years of experience working with and in the innovation world, from green energy to high-tech engineering to technical marketing to entrepreneurial product development and everything in between.

Chris helps clients in the government and private sector with their strategy development needs, providing technology assessments, market strategies, product & IP development strategies, funding acquisition planning and development, and general C-level advice.

He helped establish the regional consortia Powershift Atlantic with NB Power, a project which has resulted in a well-established SmartGrid sector in NB. As CEO of Springboard Atlantic, he supported all 19 post-secondary institutions doing R&D to commercialize their research, helping with mentoring, curated industry meetings and programming to get more research into impactful outcomes in the market.

He most recently worked with Saint John Energy, SGIN and BioNB to identify innovation opportunities regionally, nationally and globally.